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Origami Box Tutorial

Origami Box Tutorial

This is my favorite go to easy box when I need one for something small fast.  Follow the video steps below.

You will need 2 pieces of paper.  I recommend card stock. You will cut the card stock to squares that are 8″ & the other piece to 8-1/2″.  You can make any size box. You will just need to size the paper up accordingly.


You will cut the card stock to squares that are 8″ and the other piece to 8-1/2″.

Then Fold the paper in half both ways.

Then fold each corner into the center.

Fold all four corners into the center.

Then Fold the side up to the center, do both sides this way.

Then Unfold and start forming your box.

Fold the sides in and then the ends up

Then you will fold the end up and over creating a sort of lock. You can put tape or glue here if you want to.

Then do the same to the other end of the box.

Complete the steps again for the other piece of the box. Or use the box as a lil dish.

The pieces fit nicely together

You can decorate the box.

Click to Read more

The World of Bunko and Creating Community

The World of Bunko and Creating Community

Summer has kicked in full force over here and I thought it would be a good time to have a Bunko Reunion.  About 14 years we were living up in South Orange County, in the San Clemente Trestles Community. At the time I was home with my brand new baby girl Ginger.  I met some of the neighbor girls and they were starting a neighborhood Bunko group.  Not knowing what Bunko was I had to get an explanation which went something like this.  We get a group of women together, you put in $10 dollars towards the game

The host provides apps and drinks and a few of the players walk away with winnings. We all have a good time visiting and each month a different person hosts. For being a stay at home Mom fairly new to the area, it sounded awesome. It was some much-needed adult interaction. Our group got together for about 6-7 years on a monthly basis. Let me tell you having those women to relate to and talk parenting and adulting was a godsend. These girls supported our jewelry business over the years as well. Our Bunko nights turned into themed events with costumes and often included Holiday bunko with spouses so we could meet everyone’s other halves. We also branched off into Halloween Parties and Birthday parties.  Many of these women became my closest friends.

Recently Paperless Post hit me up to try out their product and I thought it sounded like a great opportunity to get the Bunko group back together. Let’s do this.

So Paperless Post is an online invitation web site.  You purchase coins or credits and then you can set up an event. You start with creating an online invitation and input your guest’s emails. The site tracks RSVPs and your guest’s questions. There is also a message board where you can post photos as well as set up reminder emails, so your guests don’t forget!

Paperless2 Here is an example of my invite.  Paperless Posts offers cool on-trend templates like this one.



I have created some Fun Bunko Downloads similar to pictured above that you can purchase and download for printing at home in my Etsy store here. 


I have created some Fun Bunko Downloads similar to pictured above that you can purchase and download for printing at home in my Etsy store here. 


We have discovered that readers are now needed for Bunko.


Joining the Bloglovin Family

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Holiday pictures

Holiday pictures

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Bar things I collect

Bar things I collect

Bar things I collect
Originally uploaded by aliciadesign

I am selling some of my Barware collections in my Etsy Store . I like the hunt. I also love staging photos like this

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Jadite and red dahlias
Originally uploaded by aliciadesign


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