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Anthropologie – display

Anthropologie – display
Originally uploaded by aliciadesign

I love this Sputnik display that Anthropolgie created using gourds, bamboo skewers and a styrofoam ball. I also love the look of the faux fireplace. This looks like it was created using strips of of 1″ x 2″‘s..

Thrift store scores part 1

Friday’s thrift scores…
Asian painting I bought for the bamboo frame. Something about the junk boat is making it hard for me to take it out the the gold frame.

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The rattan shelf I bought to put our in our covered lanai. I also thought about mounting it on the wall and displaying our tiki mugs on it too.
This fun bird cage and some really cool vintage bedding an accenting asian pillowcase to go with the bedding.

Ultra Suede Skirts with a Vintage Swedish look.

I think it would be so fun to make some suede skirts like this out of ultra-suede and do my take on this vintage swedish pattern…

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. I need to get on this idea.

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Originally uploaded by giac1061

Fremont Building Architecture

fr building corner
Originally uploaded by bballchico

I love the Seattle Art Community of Fremont

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. They have a wonderful artist market too. There are some awesome antique stores too.