Zucchini Slice of goodness.

This year was my first attempt at a garden. My second zucchini got really large

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. I was contemplating what to do with it so I created a few recipes. I concocted this and Chocolate Zucchini bread as well. This works well with big slices from a 3” to 4” diameter zucchini.
Cut the slices about ½” thick.

4” diameter zucchini cut in ½ pieces.
2 eggs beaten lightly
salt & pepper
½ cup corn meal
½ cup flour
1 teaspoon dry oregano
1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
½ of a tomato
¼ cup fresh basil chopped
¼ of a red onion
½ cup feta cheese
3 tablespoons butter.
¼ cup balsamic vinegar

First put the eggs in a small bowl add the salt & pepper
Mix together the flour, buy viagra healing corn meal and dry spices.

Put 2 tablespoon butter on skillet and melt
Dip zucchini slices in egg batter both slices, viagra canada then dip in flour, cornmeal spice mixture both sides.
Cook on buttered skillet flipping once golden brown crisp layer is achieved.
Remove Zucchini and place on serving platter, cover to keep warm.

Add 1 tsp butter to pan and added chopped red onion, caramelize.
While onions are cooking. Chop basil and tomato.
Sprinkle onions on zucchini
Then top with feta
Finish with basil and tomato.
Drizzle balsamic vinegar over entire dish.