These Tropical Passionfruit Bars are a great end of summer treat. You can use both purple passionfruit or yellow lilikoi fruit.
For these I purchased about 6-8 fresh yellow lilikoi at our Hilo Farmer’s Market.
Shortbread Crust:
6 oz or 1-1/2 Sticks of Cold unsalted butter
1-3/4 C Flour
3/4 C Powdered Sugar
1/4 C Coconut Flour
3/4tsp Salt
For Lilikoi Mac Nut Layer.
4 Eggs
1/4 Coconut or rice milk
6 oz of fresh passionfruit or lilikoi juice
1-1/4C Sugar
3T Flour
1/4t Salt
1/2C Chopped Mac Nuts
Oven to 350
9 x 13 baking dish
My daughter prepared the lilikoi this is the hardest part you can also use canned juice. To prepare the lilikoi juice scrape out the jelly substance out of the fruit skins and into a bowl. Then put the jelly|seeds through a metal sieve to extract just the juice. Continue until you have 6oz
For the Shortbread Crust:
Preheat the oven to 350F
Spray the 9 x 13″ dish with coconut or nonstick spray.
Line with parchment paper
Put all of the Shortbread Crust ingredients into a food processor and mix:
6 oz or 1-1/2 Sticks of Cold unsalted butter
1-3/4 C Flour
3/4 C Powdered Sugar
1/4 C Coconut Flour
3/4tsp Salt
Spread the dough out into the 9 x 13 dish then put into frig for 15 minutes and then bake for 20-22 min at 350.
For the Passionfruit layer:
Put all the items in the mixer and mix for 1 min on medium or until smooth:
4 Eggs
1/4 Coconut or rice milk
6 oz of fresh passionfruit or lilikoi juice
1-1/4C Sugar
3T Flour
1/4t Salt
Then Chop the
1/2C Mac Nuts
Pour the Lilikoi mixture over the shortbread crust in pan, then top with nuts. My daughter requested I only do 1/2 of it with nuts.
Bake 16-18 minutes at 350 or until mixture is set and hard. Like photo below:
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