Archive for the sterling silver Category

Sterling & Bakelite Hairsticks

Sterling  & Bakelite Hairsticks

Hair Stick

I discovered this fabulous sterling silver hairstick the other day at Solo

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. I had to bring it home as inspiration. Being a gal with long hair I often stick things in my hair to put it up. I was surprised that this hair stick was so short. and had a flattened section. But I am going to try it. I think I may create some sterling hair sticks that are inspired by all of these.

viagra generic on Flickr” href=””>Bakelite Hair sticks
A few years ago I came across this book that featured these amazing bakelite hairsticks from Asia. I am completely enamored with them. Of course the Asian mum is my favorite. Do you use hair sticks. What is your favorite length?

Shameless Self Promotion | SilverBotanica Jewelry by Alicia Hanson

Shameless Self Promotion | SilverBotanica Jewelry by Alicia Hanson

Sterling Silver Deer Moon Pendant

Sakura Cherry Blossom Necklace

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Here are two new jewelry designs that we are going to be releasing soon on our SilverBotanica Jewelry Site. These are available now.