Archive for the furniture Category

Cool Headboards

Cool Headboards


Handcarved Lotus Bed


Lombok Bed

Totally loving these fabulous carved wood headboards from Anthropologie

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. While we were traveling in Bali this summer we saw so much fabulous wood carving in there.  Baliense people are true artisans.  I am sure these headboards are inspired by the Balinese Artisans.

These Baliense doors below had just the right amount of patina.


When I saw this colorful object on the side of the road while driving by on my little scooter in Bali I had to stop and capture it.  At the time I thought that would be an awesome headboard.  Turns out when I stop to investigate, what it actually was is a musical instrument similar to a xylophone. I actually contemplating bringing it home.  But doing a whole container load from Bali makes more sense then just one item.


Modular Furniture by Jonathan Adler

Modular Furniture by Jonathan Adler

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Medical Devices turned Industrial Modern

Medical Devices turned Industrial Modern

I love these two pieces at Get Back Inc.I am pretty sure if I had that handcrank scissor lift table I could figure out something wonderful to do with it

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Hold IT Contemporary Home | Modern Living in San Diego

Hold IT Contemporary Home  | Modern Living  in San Diego

Today I got an email from Thrillist which showcases businesses here in San Diego

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I love motorcycles and why not have one that happens to match your sofa so you can have it in your living room.
Next trip south I am going to check out there showroom.
Hold It Contemporary Home; 1570 Camino De La Reina; Mission Valley; 619.295.6660
Also try out the fun room planner on their site. For me it is like a digital dollhouse.

Dog Chair

Dog Chair



Over the weekend I was in Las Vegas

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Teal and Orange

Teal and Orange

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Summer Fun

Summer Fun

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Skate-able Street Furniture

Skate-able Street Furniture

I was perusing a trend email I get and saw this article on a Industrial Design web site about furniture that is built to be skateboarded on. Jurjen Semeijn, viagra generic patient designed these pieces for Dutch Design Week 2009. Well this rang a bell in my world. My son Nolan had a ramp in his living room for awhile and we have big half pipe in our backyard

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Sweet Furniture by Jellio

Sweet Furniture by Jellio

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Fabulous Offices | Papaya!

Fabulous Offices | Papaya!


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Thomas Wold – Furniture Design

Thomas Wold - Furniture Design

I find this designer’s style fun and fairy tale-ish.Thomas Wold does a wonderful job creating these whimsical pieces

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