Archive for the deer Category

Deer headpiece

Deer headpiece

deer headpiece

I was perusing Etsy today and came across this cool headpiece. The artist said that she was inspired while reading Mark Ryden’s Tree book. I love the model in the photo and the way the photographer captured everything so well

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. The dear headpiece is available on Etsy from Zara Carpenter’s Etsy shop you can buy it here.


Since we are on the subject of deer. I thought I would show of one of my new necklaces. I am calling it the Deer Antler Huntress Necklace. I incorporated the antler into the chain, best viagra store so the antler runs up around your neck. It is available at my Etsy store here.


Did you know that Deer symbolism includes gentleness in word, cheap thought and touch. The ability to listen, grace and appreciation for the beauty of balance. Understanding of what’s necessary for survival, power of gratitude and giving, ability to sacrifice for the higher good. The connection to the woodland goddess, and alternative paths to a goal.

I Love You Deer Locket Necklace | Hi Octane Jewelry

I Love You Deer Locket Necklace | Hi Octane Jewelry

I had so much fun making these kitsch woodland deer necklaces the other day

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My Table – Deerful Delight

My Table - Deerful Delight

This week’s contribution to my Flickr group 64 Colors

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Oh Deer!

Since I have a deer theme going how interesting is this needlepoint deer head by Frédérique Morrel

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. You can see her other unique creations on her web site. Made from polyurethane taxidermy molds, viagra sales troche covered in vintage needlework and finished with real antlers, discount viagra search each piece is unique and made by hand. Morrel came up with the idea to work with vintage needlework after her grandmother died and her grandmother’s needlework was unceremoniously tossed out.

Truely wonderful.