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Ultra Suede Skirts with a Vintage Swedish look.

I think it would be so fun to make some suede skirts like this out of ultra-suede and do my take on this vintage swedish pattern…

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. I need to get on this idea.

Trailer Stores – Curbside shopping

I just love this concept. I really want to find a old airstream, silverstreak or canned ham type trailer and turn it into a traveling store. The first place I saw something like this a feature on one of my favorite blogs, best cialis help Cafe Cartolina. Fiona featured a store with this concept called The Very Hush Hush Gallery. Then today Design*Sponge did a feature on Adelante Austin’s Curb Service. They have a super cool 30′ – 1976 Airstream that they retro fit with ultrahip decor, and made it into a mobile store. They travel with the trailer around Austin, Tx hosting private trunk show parties for designers. Calling it Curbside Service. I just love this concept. I really want to do my take on this concept and create a mobile HiOctane Trailer. So if you know anyone looking to get rid of an old trailer, I am looking.

Cool Tool Boxes

I just love these toolboxes by Alice Supply Co. Maria & Raili thought it would be great to take typically mudane household tools and give them a dose of color and pattern

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Amy Butler Rugs

How gorgeous are these new rugs by Amy Butler. I just love her style. She has 19 new designs

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Oh Deer!

Since I have a deer theme going how interesting is this needlepoint deer head by Frédérique Morrel

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Truely wonderful.

Antler Chandelier by Nicole Davis

My good friend Niki Davis made this Ultra-hip chandelier. The chandelier was recently featured in Mountain Living Magazine. Niki and her husband Jared have a very hip glass studio in Crawford, viagra sales patient Colorado called North Rim Glass Studio. Both Niki and Jared are amazing artists. Niki has a great eye for creative design. This fixture is a modern twist on a mountain living classic

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Wholistic Design with the Eames

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Fremont Building Architecture

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I love the Seattle Art Community of Fremont

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Prizes from Fiona….

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. Fiona’s husband is an illustrator too. So I believe they are a team effort like Brad and myself.

Much Thanks Fiona.

Originally uploaded by aliciadesign

Alicia & Ginger welcome you to their inspiration blog

Alicia & Ginger welcome you to their inspiration blog

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