My Daughter wanted to have a murder mystery dinner birthday party. So we researched a few websites that supplied Murder Mystery Dinner Themes. We ended up getting this one called Murder Among The Matey’s. I let my daughter go to the website and pick one of the themes. I liked the Pirate theme since we had done a pirate circus themed birthday a few years back. So purchased the Mystery Dinner online and downloaded the Pdf’s. I will say that the pdf’s are extensive. So check the pages numbers before just hitting print. The main pdf is over 100 plus pages of Pirate Goodness, so be ready, you will need to print about 75% of the pages. We started out with invitations. I loved the message in a bottle idea. Which ended up being harder than I thought. Mostly because we live on the Big Island of Hawaii and our access to arts & crafts supplies is limited. So bottles are hard to find. I thought I would try our local Ben Franklin for cool bottles. On the mainland, I would have hit the Dollar stores. At Ben Franklin, I found some interesting bottles but they were close to $5 or $6 a piece. That was overpriced in my book. So then I thought what if I just bought soda in glass bottles. I was thinking Jones Soda or something along those lines. So I hit the local Target where here in Hawaii you do a lot of your grocery shopping at. No Glass Bottled Soda. Not a single drop. So I hit Safeway. I found Creme soda in 6 six packs and on special that week. So I bought 2 six packs.
This brand of soda also didn’t have labels so double score. I didn’t have to fight with removing bottles. I tasked the kids in that neighborhood with drinking as much soda as they could and burping contests. The gladly excepted since we don’t but soda around these parts much. My Daughter Ginger wanted to antique the bottles a bit to look like they had been rolling around in the sand. So she sprayed them with a Glass Frosting Spray paint that I had on hand.
We modified the invites provided by Night of Mystery and added our party information. We also burned, antiqued, trimmed and then rolled the invites and put them in the bottles with a little sand and beach glass. I had picked up corks while at Ben Franklin which ended up being a hair too small so we bedazzled them with river jade, problem solved
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. We also added ribbons and wax seals to the bottles to make them a bit more piratey. I love the way they turned out. We just hand delivered them to guests.
I was a bit overwhelmed with getting a grasp on how the whole murder mystery dinner worked. So I suggested to my daughter that she figure it out, which she did. Our other family friend also offered to help. So they got all the paper stuff printed out and we got things like safety pins so guest could pin on their name tags. You need to have 2 sets of envelopes for each guest and things like fake money and evidence. That go into the A & B Envelopes.
I focused on decorating and the food for the party which are my favorite things. Since we live in Hawaii and good party supplies are hard to find I utilize my online resources.
Here is how the decor and food turned out. I utilized my Pinterest board for Pirate Ideas. The Night of Mystery has a Pinterest Board called Murder Among The Matey’s with lots of good ideas too.
My first attempt at a watermelon Pirate ship. I think it came out just fine.
Since I just love Party Planning for Parties if you need help with your kid-ohs birthday party and your on the Big Island of Hawaii. Feel Free to reach out I am happy to help with your event.
Here we are in our Pirate get-ups.
My Skull and crossbones necklace is available on our website here
I will say that after the party we talked about how it went etc. I thought all the conversation que cards you are given to help with figuring out the murderer etc didn’t really help much. We all had fun talking like pirates and mingling. But, in the end it all seemed to come down to the evidence. Which hardly anyone saw because it was given out in the second set of envelopes. And 90% of didn’t even look at it. I wish maybe that I would have used real evidence Sword or etc. and that the appropriate people had it and we all discovered it and passed it around or the likes. I feel prepared for next time around.
Very clever and the decorations are beautifully done in the theme! Well done Alicia.