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My top 3 business book reading choices for 2011

My top 3 business book reading choices for 2011

So this year I started off my month of January with a few new reads that I feel will be inspirational and motivating

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The book that arrived first is Tribes by Seth Godin. I have a read a few a Seth’s books. I also subscribe to his blog, viagra generic find and read his posts daily in my email inbox. I really enjoy Seth’s writing. Simple stories that convey his ideas and his ability to think alternatively. So far I am about half way through this read and enjoying it.

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Second on my list is The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs, no rx insanely different principles for breakthrough success by Carmine Gallo. I love Apple innovation so this book should be great. I am think I am going to read this second.
The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs
Lastly another Seth Godin book titled Linchpin.
Linchpin by Seth Godin | 2011 Business reading list item #2