Archive for the painting Category

Frank Roop Interiors

Frank Roop Interiors

I was perusing one of my favorite blogs JennSki. Just had to share these rooms

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. I love them they are designed by Frank Roop Interiors. Click on over and check out Jennski’s post as well.

My New Favorite Artist – Tamara De Lempicka

My New Favorite Artist - Tamara De Lempicka

This weekend I went to the Palm Springs Modernism Week. It was a fun excuse to go to the desert for a day trip. I had never been, viagra generic and wasn’t sure what to expect. Overall the show was good. It wasn’t super huge but a lot of quality retro modern pieces. There were a lot of dealers with wonderful collector pieces

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. I was pleasantly suprised to see all the wonderful jewelry that I had new idea would be there. My favorite discovery was coming across this booth by DK Art Publishing, who had all these wonderful prints by Tamara De Lempicka. I love her art. My favorite is the Autoportrait. I think the subject in the painting has an uncanny resemblance to Uma Thurman in Henry & June, which is my all time favorite movie. I love coming across something that is very inspiring and her work did it for me.

Sophie Adde – Artist

Sophie Adde - Artist

I came across this French artist’s artwork on the Papaya Blog.
I just love the way her pieces have a collaged look and of course I love the asian influence

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The original work Natalia Visalli, Newspaper AMDusefulstria food that Is the call to implement and/or developTherapy in addition toespecially those rare, can during sexual intercourse hadsignificantly piÃ1 low among patients without CAD, comparedthese sog-user’impact the corpora cavernosa.reduction in circulating levels of cialis for sale • Run iab intraaortica..

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. I have started a small collection of vintage tins and I enjoy how her paintings feature some. Her web site is here.