Archive for the Ornaments Category

Retro Bottle Brush Ornaments

Retro Bottle Brush Ornaments

How cool are these bottlebrush ornaments

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. I think these are so cute. You can buy them here.

Ornaments of the season

Ornaments of the season

The day before Thanksgiving my mother in law Helen and I were able to sneak down to Solana Beach for a few hours of perusing. We had a great time

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. I hit my 2 favorite stores Solo and Leaping Lotus. Every time I go into Solo I am inspired. I love the building for one. I love the collage of styles. We have a retro-modern style in our home, viagra sale so I enjoy the books and furniture. I love the industrial recycled sense of the Jennifer Price section of the store. And I love Ruby Lane’s support of indie artists. Her eclectic mix of treasures is wonderful.

Here are few ornaments that were in the store that caught my eye.

Feather Ornaments Jewelry at Solo in Solana Beach
Kitsch Tree Ruby Lane @ Solo
discount viagra on Flickr” href=””>Santa Deer Ornaments Jewelry at Solo in Solana Beach

Owls, Ruby Lane, Solo in Solana Beach
Birdies, Ruby Lane, Solo in Solana Beach
Mushroom Ornaments Jewelry at Solo in Solana Beach