Archive for the catering Category

Birthday Party Ideas

Birthday Party Ideas

I am putting together some ideas for my daughter’s upcoming 5th birthday. So far I am liking Alice in Wonderland theme.
Here are some visuals of what I am liking so far.

I just dicovered a great new site for event planning from my fabulous neighbor Holly, cialis canada patient called Lollipop events and designs. Man, viagra sale they do gorgeous work. I would love to do event planning with them. I love their Wonderlandia table show above

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. I love the tall stack of cups. I also love an idea I saw on Design*Sponge of incorporating spirographs, these kidohs need an activity to do with all their tea drinking.

I Cater BBQ | Serving Southern California

I Cater BBQ | Serving Southern California

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If you are looking for wonderful Texas style bbq right here in South Orange County or North San Diego County, cialis generic ed I Cater is your answer. Delanya is a 3rd generation BBQ Chef and has a mobile smoker trailer, purchase kindly referred to as “The Pit.” She can bring her Southern Goodness to your party or event and fill your guests up with the best bbq around. Delanya is known for her tangy homemade bbq sauce, look and her southern hospitality and charm make everyone feel comfortable.

I has their catering menu online so you can party plan from home

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