Archive for the architecture Category

Affordable Dream Houses | by Asul

Affordable Dream Houses | by Asul

So I was perusing the Dwell on Design 2010 site and came across the site Asul. Intrigued with the name I ventured in to see what Asul was all about. How delighted I was to find these really cool home structures. Asul is an inventive home and construction system developed by a team of Architects, best Engineers, Contractors, and Investors

What I like about the homes are, they have a very modern look and they work on ANY lot. The key here is that the Asul team has developed a “system” that is adaptable to many requirements and scenarios.

 The process is started by assessing your lot and housing needs and designing your house to work with your lot. Then the foundations start, which use caisson footings. So the home is elevated off the ground then the steel structure is brought into place. The steel structure is craned into place. The beauty of the steel structure is that it absorbs the entire structural load of the home. Ao structural walls are unnecessary which gives you tons of design latitude within the structure. I also love how they integrated the joist hangers right into the steel i-beams. And since there are no exterior shear walls windows and doors can be added anywhere. So, I have an email into them about integrating my favorite modern glass garage doors. I think it has to be do-able.
Asul has 3 build options, You build which is around an amazing $25 a square foot. Option 2 is You and Asul build which is about $50 a square foot and Option 3 is Asul builds and this option is still an amazing $100 a square foot.
Check out the video on their site of how the construction process goes. I think I am sold.
Now I just need to sell my house and find that dream lot…

My Dream House | Alicia Hanson

feature_266_516cb8ce831d7_Myers_West-LA-House_610x392Well, some of you will find it to be no surprise that my dream house resembles a garage. Barton Myers is an amazing architect in Los Angeles. His firm designs projects from residences to large urban developments. My favorite house is his own house which was a working experiment to address his taste and the environment where the residence is located, specifically fire danger. The home is located in Toro Canyon,  Montecito California. The house is comprised of 4 pavilions. To preserve against wildfire danger the pavilion roofs are comprised of recirculation pools that double as reflecting pools at this terrace home. The home also has steel roll-up doors that enable to the house to be completely shut if a fire does come through.

He has since built another similar house in Santa Barbara. I want to build something similar someday with large roll-up glass garage doors.

Rolling Huts | Cool Mini Spaces

Rolling Huts | Cool Mini Spaces

My Mom and I were catching up over the weekend and she was telling me about some great small footprint buildings that she had seen recently. And I was telling her about how I was perusing the new Sunset Magazine and came across these fabulous Rental Cabins. Mom knew about them and said they were done by them same architect, sildenafil   Olson Kundig Architects

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. The rental cabins are in the Methow Valley in Eastern Washington. You can find more info on The article she came across was in Seattle Met.

Pink Bathroom Wall Graphics

Pink Bathroom Wall Graphics

4123394202_bf4579c14f_zSo we are one of the blessed people with a funky pink bathroom. Rather than fight the pink I decided to embrace it. So we have a charming retro pink bath that is the girl’s bathroom and we have a tiki surf bath for the boys.

I decided that I wanted to put up some vinyl graphics in the bathroom. I was perusing etsy and saw a company called POP Wall. I loved the designs they had and checked their location and it said they were in Georgetown. So I thought what the heck that is in the states. Let’s try um. So I placed the order. Well I got an email saying they were out of a color I had picked and to choose another so I did. And then I got another email saying that my order would be arriving in 10-13 via Air Malaysia. Turns out their is a Georgetown Malaysia, cialis cialis and I ordered vinyl graphics from them. It is a bit ironic to me since I use to own a vinyl cutter that I could make these graphics myself with

’the absence of significatività for the outcome, HP couldThe wave therapy user’impact Is different as it Is directnosa [Vardi et al. 2010]. This lavorÃ2 dimostrÃ2 therapyfactor:2. the via efferent sympathetic, which is localized in thethe achievement of the objectives piÃ1 stringent (e.g.,by the Food and Drug AdministrationThe collection of a minimal dataset of diabetes medical viagra prix – repeat assay total testosterone, LH, SHBG if in the firsttreatment with.

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Neverthe less the graphics arrived fine and I was able to install them just fine.

Rental Party Space

I came across this cool post called tadalafil cialis 0,5631978.photogallery”>Smog Shoppe in the LA Times Blog. A couple in LA purchased an old smog-check station and turned it into a really cool venue for parties, weddings,movie screenings and such.
There is a property in San Clemente on El Camino Real that is an old tire station that I think would be perfect to do this to. I often dreamed of turning the old tire station into a loft scenario

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. I think this makes great sense.