Archive for the amy butler Category

Amy Butler’s New Bedding

Amy Butler's New Bedding

butler bedding2

butler bedding
Amy Butler has some great new organic bedding out. I am a sucker for lime so I picked this set Modena & Ravenna to showcase. She has many new sets that have her wonderful fabric designs. I love the embroidered details too. Check out her site here to see all the new wonderful bedding lines. You can purchase the lines from her site or Bed Bath and Beyond. Oh, cialis generic and I just love the mum prints on the wall behind the bed too…

Amy Butler Bags

Amy Butler Bags

Well you all know I am a big Amy Butler fan. I love her fabrics and her color schemes

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. Well Amy just came out with a new line of travel bags. I wish I was going a wonderful trip somewhere so I justify purchasing one. Well if any of you are doing holiday travelling maybe you need some new travel bags. These are easy to spot.