Archive for the Trends Category

Macrame is Back

Macrame is Back

This Summer we had a wonderful adventure to Australia.  I love following so many Australian companies like Spell Designs and Buffalo Girl
both are located in Byron Bay near Brisbane.  So I got to visit the Spelly Boutique in Byron Bay. I was shocked at how small the actual boutique was, sildenafil ailment but it is wonderfully curated and they carry wonderful items.  And, viagra I sure noticed that Macrame is trending hard in Australia and seems to be now trending here too. I am loving all the Macrame Ideas out there

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. Oh and of course I have a Pinterest Board of Macrame Ideas too.







Shapes of new decade

Shapes of new decade

I am seeing a trend towards shapes like these mirrors for the new decade. I love these complex shapes. The feel Moroccan to me

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I also love this grouping of various sized round mirrors. Has a port hole effect.

Both are available at Viva Terra here.