Archive for the felted Category

Felted Jewelry by Filzlaus

Felted Jewelry by Filzlaus

I found these super fun felted creations on Flickr today by Filzlaus She sells some of felt creations in her Etsy shop, cialis buy Filzlauz.

I love the whimsy and colors

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Felt acorns

Felt acorns

Came across these felt acorns on Etsy today made by Portland seller Green Baboon Designs. I think I want to buy some and make them into earrings

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Felted purses and belts from Nepal

I have been starting to see quite a few fun felted accessories out for winter. Here are my favorite.
Nepal Belts

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. I have seen these for sale locally at Solo in Solana Beach and online at Sundance.

Viva Terra had this super cute purse and scarf that are just fabulous.