Archive for the birds Category

Flower Plates | Edie Rose by Rachel Bilson

Flower Plates | Edie Rose by Rachel Bilson

I came across these plates and dishes and couldn’t help stopping to enjoy. I just love the big flower plates and bowls

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. The little bird dishes are fun too. Many of girlfriends are into peacocks and this design has those as well. You would think these dishes were at Anthro, cialis usa see but no they are at Macy’s. I just love the soft aqua hues.

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viagra generic ed on Flickr” href=””>Home Tweet Home | Alicia Hanson

I love Katie Runnels assemblage art, I thought I would take a stab at creating something along similar lines

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. It was so much fun. I have so much of this old treasures collected in my studios that is just seemed like the right use for it.

Viva Terra | Favorite New Finds

The new Viva Terra Catalog came yesterday. I just love most all the items in their catalog

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. I like the rustic handmade feel.

The felted rocks are just wonderful. I just love the idea of soft rocks for the living room. The bird vases are so cute and fun. The are enjoyable with or without flowers. The handmade mugs have a great chunky feel and I love the glazes. I think I would prefer a taller version though.

Has your lighting gone to the birds?

These fun lighting choices are both from Anthropologie’s web site.

The first piece is the Magpie Chandelier. Magpie’s are know for their abilities to collect and scavenge. The light is made in South Africa. it retails for $798.00. I love all the faux birds. I really want to do a take on creating my own version of this fun piece.