Archive for the jewelry Category

SilverBotanica – Hip Jewelry Boutique & Artisan Studio in Honomu, Hawaii

SilverBotanica - Hip Jewelry Boutique & Artisan Studio in Honomu, Hawaii

Click into the doorway above to take a virtual tour of the store.


We are excited to announce that my husband Brad & I opened a new Brick & Mortar store SilverBotanica, shop located near Hilo, on the beautiful Hamakua Coast of the Big Island of Hawaii in the quaint town of Honomu. Honomu is the gateway to Akaka Falls State Park. Akaka Falls is a pleasant self-guided walk through lush tropical plants including giant timber bamboo, fruit trees and gorgeous botanical flowers.  The trail is a concrete trail to scenic vista points overlooking the cascading Kahuna Falls and the free-falling ‘Akaka Falls , which plunges 442 feet into a stream-eroded gorge.

Our retail store features the Artisan Studio of SilverBotanica Jewelry and Hi Octane JewelrySilverBotanica is a sterling silver jewelry line inspired by tropical Botanical flowers found here in Hawaii and allows the wearer to carry a little bit of paradise at all times.
Hi Octane Jewelry is a sterling silver jewelry line inspired by vintage automobiles and hot rods and comes from our long love of classic cars and hot rods.

Along with our handmade goods our unique store also carries vintage goods, purses, accessories and stationary

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. The Artisan studio is open daily 12-6pm. And visitors are welcome to tour the studio and learn first hand the process of lost wax casting and silversmithing. Silversmithing & Lost Wax Casting Classes  and Workshops are available by appointment.

You can see another video of the store here.

SilverBotanica – 28-1652 Old Mamalahoa HWY | Honomu, HI 96728 – 949.547.3859


Special Thanks to our neighbor Jeffery North Wilson of 360 True North Photography for creating this awesome virtual tour for us.  You can get one too. Click below and tell him Alicia sent you:



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Winner Winner Chicken Dinner

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Well I put all the names in hat shuffled them about and drew one name and the winner is Fiona Cartolina – “The Dragon in the woods” winner of the Chinese New Year Necklace giveaway

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. It also just so happens that Fiona and her blog Cafe Cartolina give me countless hours of inspiration on a daily basis. -Thanks Fiona.

To everyone else that entered shoot me an email with subject “Chinese New Year” with your mailing address at info (at) and I will send you a lovely consolation prize.
Thanks to those of you that participated here and Facebook – Alicia

Top 13 Jewelry Making & Design Books from the Library of Alicia Hanson

Top 13 Jewelry Making & Design Books from the Library of Alicia Hanson

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Here are my top 13 books about jewelry making and fabrication methods.

Practical Casting by Tim McCreight

The Naughty Secretary Club by Jennifer Perkins
The Jeweler’s Directory of Decorative Finishes by McGrath
Resin Jewelry by Katherine Murphy
French Inspired Jewelry by Kaari Meng
The Workbench Guide to Jewelry Techniques by Anastasia Young
The Art of Resin Jewelry by Haab
The Art of Metal Clay by Haab
Findings The Jewelry of Ramona Solberg by Halper
Jewelry Fundamentals of Metalsmithing by Tim McCreight
The Jeweler’s Studio Handbook by Holchuh
The Metalsmith’s Book of Boxes & Lockets by Tim McCreight
Plastic Jewelry of the Twentieth Century by Baker

Feather Fluffing Fun is Fabulous

Feather Fluffing Fun is Fabulous

I am loving this feather trend

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Deer headpiece

Deer headpiece

deer headpiece

I was perusing Etsy today and came across this cool headpiece. The artist said that she was inspired while reading Mark Ryden’s Tree book. I love the model in the photo and the way the photographer captured everything so well

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. The dear headpiece is available on Etsy from Zara Carpenter’s Etsy shop you can buy it here.


Since we are on the subject of deer. I thought I would show of one of my new necklaces. I am calling it the Deer Antler Huntress Necklace. I incorporated the antler into the chain, best viagra store so the antler runs up around your neck. It is available at my Etsy store here.


Did you know that Deer symbolism includes gentleness in word, cheap thought and touch. The ability to listen, grace and appreciation for the beauty of balance. Understanding of what’s necessary for survival, power of gratitude and giving, ability to sacrifice for the higher good. The connection to the woodland goddess, and alternative paths to a goal.

AxelHoney Jewelry

AxelHoney Jewelry





This past weekend we participated in Acre Las Vegas. The show traffic was slower than we had anticipated. But, cialis usa viagra gave us a wonderful opportunity to meet many of our fellow artists. One artist that was our aisle neighbor was Axelhoney

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. Axelhoney is created by Santa Monica artist Melissa Contreras. Melissa is an illustrator and jewelry designer. I would describe her jewelry as sweet like honey with whimsy. Above are some of my favorite pieces. And below is one of my favorite illustrations Melissa has done. You can purchase her work on her website.


I Love You Deer Locket Necklace | Hi Octane Jewelry

I Love You Deer Locket Necklace | Hi Octane Jewelry

I had so much fun making these kitsch woodland deer necklaces the other day

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Sakura Blossom Spring Corsage and Jewelry

Sakura Blossom Spring Corsage and Jewelry

Today one of my new Sakura jewelry pieces was featured in a fellow Etsy jewelry artist’s treasury. My design is the bottom piece. It is available on my SilverBotanica web site here:
Cerihart is a jewelry maker in Victoria BC. She creates beautiful asian inspired jewelry. Which I am sure you know has a soft spot in my heart. You can check out her etsy store here Cerihart. Her beautiful pendant is a plum blossom and she pierces and cuts her designs into the silver

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The top two items here are created by a Seattle Designer Emikokellerdesigns. She has some wonderful designs. I love the pink felt corsage. She said she learned the technique in Japan. On her other piece with the red blossoms she uses leather and metal beads to create the cool shaped flowers.


Thank you to Tracy at blog for doing an interview with me

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Shameless Self Promotion | SilverBotanica Jewelry by Alicia Hanson

Shameless Self Promotion | SilverBotanica Jewelry by Alicia Hanson

Sterling Silver Deer Moon Pendant

Sakura Cherry Blossom Necklace

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Here are two new jewelry designs that we are going to be releasing soon on our SilverBotanica Jewelry Site. These are available now.

Second Sister Jewelry

Second Sister Jewelry


I was perusing Flickr last night and one of my contacts SecondSister had some fabulous new pieces up. I love her mixed media jewelry and I just love this sweet little bird

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Brooch Bouquets

Brooch Bouquets

I came across these great photos in one of my favorite friend’s giac1061 on Flickr photostream

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. She archives a lot of great party ideas she comes across. I love the idea of using old brooches as a flower bouquet. I think this would look cool in a vase too.